Why Self Love is Important For Everyone?

There is a say, "you can only love someone when you love yourself". And this is what is called the "self-love". It is a way to pamper yourself for every great work you do and develop yourself from every mistake you make, instead of blaming yourself for such matter.
This essence of self-love is fading day by day. Presently, we have become more reliant on others so as to attain love and care. We crave for love and probably focus on being loved from the near and dear ones. That is the reason why the number of people in the depressed list is gradually pilling up.
This external source of love may result into disappointment but this will surely not be the case when it comes to self-love. Lifestyle bloggers like Alexa Curtis in her Fearless Friday have even explained why self-love is important to be instilled in every individual.
Let us now unearth the factors - why self love is necessary and how self love can benefit your life to a great extent.
1. More Satisfied Life: Self-confidence comes from self-satisfaction. And self-satisfaction comes from self-love. So, they are all directly or indirectly related in a frame. Research says people who practice self-love are more self-satisfied than those who are not. You should first learn to appreciate yourself. This will assist you to appreciate your life, your surroundings, and of course the people around you. The moment you realize you are accomplishing your dream, your objective in life, you get the key to enjoy more and move on with a positive vibe towards the future. However, you should not be over-confidence or over satisfied with your work. Otherwise, these will not take a sec to pull you down.
2. Motivation for Healthy Habits: It is easy to adopt bad habits when you are in others' company, but when you are in love with yourself you will always pamper yourself and leave every stone to unturn to take care of your physical health. Healthy habits lead you to benefit your physical, mental, as well as emotional health. All these in an integrated manner improve the entire well-being and eventually makes you feel good. Do things or activities that will make you feel best.
3. Good Mental Health: Self-love is the best aid for better mental health. Issues that get complicated in our mind can be easily resolved if you are practicing mental health. Self-love can help you to improve your mental health condition by filtering out the negative thoughts and feelings. Are you struggling with your mental health issues? Teens or young adults are much more subjected to these issues. In order to avoid or develop your mental condition, you need to develop a stronger positive relationship and practice self-love.
4. Better Performance with stress reduction: "How can I reduce my stress level?" - This is the most common question that every teen or adult undergoes. Teen bloggers like Alexa have upheld this topic several times in her blogs. And it is hard to imagine that the answer is too simple. Just love yourself and have confidence in what you do. This will pull down your stress level, reduce your procrastination, and anxiety around deadlines. Without hesitating in your own work or creating confusion with your decision you will be confident enough to move on with all your energy.
5. Easily Deal with Adversity: Self-love works the best in adverse situations. Life is always ready to offer challenges. And you can't avoid catching them. But what you can do is manage them in your own way and throw them back in their own place. People who think positive in every situation, love and support themselves can easily deal with adverse time and overcome all the challenges.
Hope these reasons are enough for you to boost self-love in yourself. If you are still finding any confusion, get through the teen blogs of Alexa Curtis and her Fearless Summit. She has something to inspire and motivate you on your road.