Alexa Curtis
Hi! Thanks for checking out my blog. I started A Life in the Fashion Lane back in 2011, when I was 12 years old. Most kids aren't starting blogs at 12, but I knew I wanted more with my life, I just didn't know what! A Life in the Fashion Lane started because I was pretty insecure and sheltered, hailing from a small town in Eastern, Connecticut called Mansfield. I always knew I was different, and never fit in, which is why I started to be bullied when I was entering middle school and high school. A Life in the Fashion Lane was my outlet to escape my family issues and bullying, and what started as a fashion blog has become a platform for me to express my feelings around everything relating to teens, body image and mental health.
After deciding that fashion isn't my area of expertise, I decided to change A Life in the Fashion Lane to Life Unfiltered with Alexa Curtis. I run this site full-time, along with my nonprofit called Media Impact and Navigation for Teens. If you had told me back when I was 12 that I'd be an established LLC, have three employees, a manager, and a company to run everyday, I'd have laughed at you.
Now, I realize that us young adults have the potential to make our lives whatever we dream of them to be. You determine your destiny, your future, and your happiness.
Alexa Curtis